Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Welcome to Classic Metal Thoughts


Welcome to the blog. I've created this blog because I love classic rock and metal, and sometimes I just have to talk about the music and get things off my chest. I am a music freak. Music is like my sports. I don't watch the game on Sunday, instead I follow a band's touring schedule on Blabbermouth and compare setlists from night to night. If I really like a band, I go deep, and I am not satisfied until I have heard every album, every B-side and unreleased song I can find, and then I start looking for bootlegs. If I had to name my top five favorite bands of all time, it would look something like this:

Led Zeppelin
Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden

But that list leaves out dozens of other great bands, and I am always on a quest to find new bands (or at least new to me) that will hook me the same way all of my top five did. It doesn't happen very often, but once in a while, I discover a great band I had either overlooked or never heard of, and best of all is when that band has been around for a while and has a large back catalog to go through. I love checking out albums that everybody else ignores or hates. Some of my favorite albums by a band are the ones the critics hated or the fans just passed by. I hope to talk about some of those records (as well as the ones everybody loves) on this blog.

I don't know exactly what shape this blog will take. I may even forget about it after the novelty wears off.... Whatever I end up doing with it, hopefully it will represent my passion for music, and maybe it will even inspire someone to check out some of what I consider to be the best rock of all time.