Friday, August 13, 2010

Always A Mystery

I had a small mystery at work yesterday. I checked my mailbox and found a card addressed to me. The occasional thank you card at work is always welcome, of course. I opened the card, and it had a a gift card for Chipotle, which for those who don't know, is a great place to get a burrito. (I always feel like I'm eating healthy when I go there, because everything is more or less all natural and fresh. The burritos weigh a pound or so, so eating them too often isn't wise, I imagine.) A gift card is always a welcome thing too, of course. The card had some nice words about how my efforts at work are noted and appreciated. And the card was signed "Pablo." But I don't know anyone named Pablo. If I have ever known anyone named Pablo, that person did not play a significant enough role in my life to get me a gift of any kind. I felt confused. Anytime I encounter something unusual like this, I want to figure it out. I have a little bit of detective in me, I guess. And so now my mind is more occupied with who gave me this mystery gift than the fact that I can eat 4 or 5 burritos without having to pay for them!

I have a few suspects, but it could be a lot of people. I think it may very well be the person who is most likely to do something nice like that for me, but for some reason that person decided to be mysterious this time around. Whoever it was, whoever "Pablo" is, thanks and I will find you someday soon!

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